Kumonryu has the characteristic of German carp (Doitsugoi in Japanese) with almost no scales, and is a variety with intense black pattern across the white body. Unlike the utsurizumi found in Showa-sanshoku, it is characterized by a pattern that looks like black clouds are freely rising from the body. It is named Kumonryu from the legend that the dragon becomes a cloud and rises to the sky, and when it has red imprints, it is called Beni-kumonryu.
The ink pattern of this variety is very easy to change, and when the water temperature is high, the ink pattern sinks into the white body, and when the water temperature is low, it gushes out, so it can be said that you can enjoy the change of the pattern.

JAS No.2010 Kumonryu
Kumonryu is originally a black backgroud, and the white part increases during the growth process, so that a black cloud-like pattern appears on the whole body. It has the appearance characteristics of Doitsugoi, and Black cloud-like patterns may change in a short period of time due to changes in the environment.

Beni-kumonryu has the appearance characteristics of Kumonryu, and has red scarlet imprints.