Hikari-utsuri is a generic name for Nishikigoi that are bred from a variety with Utsurizumi such as Showa-sanshoku or Shiroutsuri and Hikari-muji. The merit of Hikari-utsuri is that you can see the sumi's texture on the shiny body. Kin-Showa is a variety that has the Showa-sanshoku pattern and its whole body shines brightly, and Gin-siroutsuri is a variety that has the Shiroutsuri pattern and shines brightly. Kin-kiutsuri is a variety with a shining pattern of Hiutsuri and Kiutsuri.
As with the Hikarimonos, the best ones have a high luster throughout the body, the patterns are well balanced and clearly arranged, and the ink pattern has a dynamic curl from head to tail.

JAS No.2015 Hikari-utsuri
Hikari-utsuri has a black body, and has imprints across the body. The whole body shines brightly and it has "utsuri-zumi" pattern across the body.

Kin-showa has a black body and scales on its body. There are scarlet and white imprints across the body, and the whole body shines brightly. It has "utsuri-zumi" pattern across the body.

Doitsu-kin-showa has almost no scales on the whole body and the skin is exposed, and has the appearance characteristics of Kin-showa.

Koromo-kin-showa has the appearance characteristics of Koromo-showa, and the whole body shines brightly.

Gin-shiroutsuri has a black body and scales on its body. There are white imprints across the body, and the whole body shines brightly. It has "utsuri-zumi" pattern across the body.

Doitsu-gin-shiroutsuri has almost no scales on the whole body and the skin is exposed. It has the appearance characteristics of Gin-shiroutsuri.

Kage-gin-shiroutsuri has the appearance characteristics of Gin-shiroutsuri, and it has a mesh-like ink pattern on white imprints.

Kin-kiutsuri has a black body and scales on its body. There are gold imprints across the body, and the whole body shines brightly. It has "utsuri-zumi" pattern across the body.

Kage-kin-kiutsuri has the appearance characteristics of Kin-kiutsuri, and it has a mesh-like ink pattern on yellow imprints.